Tuesdays, 3 PM, Ages 12-18 New activities weekly, some require advanced registration. Flyer available at Mt. Hermon desk with details. July 16 Teen Tuesdays Outdoor S'mores *Registration Required* July 30 Teen Tuesdays Photo Coasters *Registration Required*
• Bring clothes Thurs. 8/1-8/2 during regular operating hours. • Limit of 10 clean, wearable items. No holes, stains, rips, etc. • To ensure fair swapping, each patron will receive a ticket for every item of clothing they bring, i.e. if one person brings 7 clothing items, they will receive 7 tickets. For each ticket they are given, they will be able receive that many items of clothing to bring ... Read More
Display your own tiny masterpiece in our Tiny Art Show! Ask for a tiny canvas at the front desk while supplies last and return your art work by August 3rd. This program is open to all ages and skill levels. The theme is Adventure Begins at your Library. The Tiny Art Show will be exhibited at the library starting on August 5th. Public will vote on “Best in Show”! Prizes ... Read More
Adulting 101 Sessions Join us for your go-to program to learn the basics of being a responsible grown-up. Our information sessions are free and open to ages 18 to 99+. Let us know if you have ideas of other topics to help us all become the best adult we can be! Tuesday, August 6, 2:00 pm – Wills/Advance Directives, Virginia Legal Aid Society Tuesday, August 13, 2:00 pm – Navigating ... Read More
On the second and fourth Friday each month, children are invited to practice their reading skills by sharing a book with a furry friend. Reading to therapy dogs can help improve kids' confidence in their reading abilities as well as help with emotional and social skills. Drop-in between 3:00 to 4:30 pm to give your child an opportunity to practice their reading skills one-on-one with a trained therapy dog.
Adulting 101 Sessions Join us for your go-to program to learn the basics of being a responsible grown-up. Our information sessions are free and open to ages 18 to 99+. Let us know if you have ideas of other topics to help us all become the best adult we can be! Tuesday, August 6, 2:00 pm – Wills/Advance Directives, Virginia Legal Aid Society Tuesday, August 13, 2:00 pm – Navigating ... Read More
While supplies last, take home a Cricut craft kit to make a Mad Hatter Treat Box! Craft kits are for teens and adults. Limit 2 per person. Everything is provided except the glue and optional extras. Instructions for the video are included in the kit.
Adulting 101 Sessions Join us for your go-to program to learn the basics of being a responsible grown-up. Our information sessions are free and open to ages 18 to 99+. Let us know if you have ideas of other topics to help us all become the best adult we can be! Tuesday, August 6, 2:00 pm – Wills/Advance Directives, Virginia Legal Aid Society Tuesday, August 13, 2:00 pm – Navigating ... Read More
Meets the fourth Thursday of each month. Provides workshops, classes, quilt shows, and fellowship, all skill levels are welcome! Please contact Diana (814) 218-9775 for more information.
On the second and fourth Friday each month, children are invited to practice their reading skills by sharing a book with a furry friend. Reading to therapy dogs can help improve kids' confidence in their reading abilities as well as help with emotional and social skills. Drop-in between 3:00 to 4:30 pm to give your child an opportunity to practice their reading skills one-on-one with a trained therapy dog.
Coloring is a good way to express your creative side and reduce stress. Join friends and other coloring enthusiasts once a month to relax and de-stress. All materials are provided but you are welcome to bring your own coloring materials.
Adulting 101 Sessions Join us for your go-to program to learn the basics of being a responsible grown-up. Our information sessions are free and open to ages 18 to 99+. Let us know if you have ideas of other topics to help us all become the best adult we can be! Tuesday, August 6, 2:00 pm – Wills/Advance Directives, Virginia Legal Aid Society Tuesday, August 13, 2:00 pm – Navigating ... Read More
Celebrate Library Card Sign-up Month this September with PCPL and the American Library Association! We're inviting everyone to discover the incredible resources and opportunities available at your local library by signing up for a library card. Today’s libraries are vibrant community centers offering much more than just books. At PCPL, you'll find diverse programs, job search assistance, homework help, book clubs, author talks, story times, and more. Don’t miss out! ... Read More