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25 in 2025

 25 in 2025 – Until you fill your card! Each time a new year rolls around, it seems the age-old resolution to “read more books” does too. This year, we challenge you to not only read more books but to read 25 books for 2025! And, we've developed a bingo card to guide your reading and encourage you to step outside your comfort zone. All ages invited to play!

Event Series What’s Bingocize?

What’s Bingocize?

Join us for Session 0! Find out what Bingocize is all about. Get signed up and see exercise demonstrations for this socially engaging group-based program that combines exercise, falls prevention education, and the widely popular game of bingo. Games begin on Monday, January 27th at 9 am. Classes are twice a week, Monday and Thursday, at 9 am for 10 weeks. Registration is required and limited to 14! 

Event Series Needlework Group

Needlework Group

Do you like to crochet, knit or do any kind of needle work? Drop in with your own supplies and projects. Share tips, project ideas, and learn new skills with new friends, while working on your project. All levels are welcome!